
CALLLiterary Reaction Journal 7

Reaction to Signs

I. Summary
A man who spent gloomy everyday life shows messages to a woman each other through office buildings' windows from one day. One day, the man was going to show the woman the message of "DO U WANT TO MEET?" but the woman dissapeared before he showed her the message. After a short days, the woman showed the man the message of "I GOT PROMOTED" from the upper room than the before one. The man showed the woman the message of "WE SHOULD CELEBRATE" and she showed him the message of "ABSOLUTELY". And the man showed the woman the message of "DO U WANT TO MEET?" and she showed him the message of "THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK". After that, they met in person amd the love started.

Ⅱ. Reaction
1. Main character
A man and a woman appear.

2. Acting
Because the man acts the part that he spends gloomy everyday life but he meets a woman and he spends everyday life in a lively way, an audience can watch the way of movie with being excited.

This movie tells the audience that people can have generous lives by meeting some persons even if there are no fun things or no interesting things.

Ⅲ.General opinion
This movie reminds me of the word that everybody chages if they love. I felt this movie is very interesting because this movie is not only romantic but also having the element of interesting. If I experience such love  which starts from wonderful form, I thought the love will be a memory for all my life.

8 件のコメント:

  1. Helli Atsuko! Your general opinion is very wonderful! I want to see this movie.

  2. Hello Atsuko. I read your LRJ7. It was very nice and easy to understand . Thank you!

  3. Hi, Atsukosuke☺Long time no see! I'm impressed your general opinion. Your LRJ is thoughtful!Thank you!

  4. Hello Atsuko. I read your LRJ7. It was very interesting and wonderful. I agree your opinion. Thank you.

  5. Hello,Atsuko! I read your LRJ7. I do a wonderful encounter and want to remember a feeling to be in love! Thank you.

  6. Hello Atsuko!I read your blog.I thought I want to watch this movie.

  7. Hello, Atsuko. I thought this story and the story I saw to write LRJ7 were similar very much, because the theme of both of story were love.

  8. Hi Atsuko!!
    I attract your words and I wanna watch this movie soon!!!!
    This movie is romantic♡
    I like office buildings' windows situation;)LOL
